Tuesday, March 2, 2010


waiting, waiting, waiting...
for andrea to return from kampala so i can help unload kilos of tailoring stuff.
for baker to (hopefully) call and chat.
for something to happen or i'm going to bed.

i'm looking forward...
to going to sleep in my giant bed with the room all to myself.
to teaching English class tomorrow. we're going to talk about the English and Luo words for feelings and emotions.
to planning a trip over Easter. there are some volcanos in the west and a big mountain called elgon in the east.

things i will accomplish this week...
getting a high quality bunk bed (they call it a double decker) built for a fair price and getting 2 good mattresses for it.
building some kind of wall behind the garage door to block bugs and sound and make it a little more bedroomy. urg, that sounds difficult just thinking about it.
fixing the volunteer costs google doc to reflect new changes.

i am so fixated on lists. i have so many notebooks of different sizes full of lists of things to buy and do and communicate about.

my brain is just stuck on lists. i want to make an exciting list. is that possible?

list of exciting things:
cutting t-shirts into new designs to improve bodily airflow. (ok not that exciting)
going on a mini-vacation to eden rock campsite this weekend and socializing in an appropriate manner.
finding that i had just omitted a 0 on the accounting and not actually lost 50,000/= place value is important kids.
the possibility of finding music in uganda that doesn't suck.
this list is depressingly short, i'm going to work on it. i'll let you know of progress

1 comment:

Alaskan Aussie said...

Hi Amberle!

Just thinking about you as I sit at work in a blizzard. Skeleton crew here of about 5 today, holding down the fort. Everyone else was smart enough to stay home. Schools are closed, only the second time in history here that I can remember, the first time being last Friday!

Enjoy your heat!

Take care, Vanessa Puterbaugh