Tuesday, March 30, 2010

tuesday again

the end of march. usually a funny, melty, end of winter, hectic inside, still too cold outside time of year. the time when you wait for the big thaw. the one that matters because its never going to freeze that much again until october. when you know you are on your way out of constricting winter and someday soon, you'll actually get to wear a short sleeve shirt. for the love of just one layer.

here its different. its actually getting a little chillier. at least when abrupt, violent thunderstorms pass. the wind picks up and the temperature drops 20 degrees and the wall of clouds draw a line in the sky. it splatters briefly, then picks up and rains, and finally monsoons. waves water spray in all directions. it monsoons from up and left and right and then ground is quickly flooded and then it splashes and it even rains from down.

i was on a motorcycle on sunday in something like that. we drove right into it. he kept looking behind to see if the sun would keep up with us. but it was moving in our direction. i felt the splatters and a minute later it felt like a hailstorm. my boda man was speeding through this storm. he had his hand flat out in front of his face shielding his eyes from the piercing drops. luckily, he had his wits about him. he slowed and drove through the rushing water in the ditch on the side of the road up to some shops with an awning.

today, work is work is work is work. paperwork tuesday is a drag. actually, i've been meaning to ask. is there anyone out there in the HR world looking to do a mitzvah, get some karma, or do a good deed? i'm working on a staff manual of policies in the workplace for our tailors and suubi women. just some basics on payment schedules and sick days and what to do if you have a problem and all sorts of stuff like that. i've been spending some time on hr.com looking at all of the titles and headings. is there anyone out there who likes to do this stuff? does anyone want to help me write a staff manual for a small group (10) of full time employees and a larger group (100) of contract employees. speaking of contract work...does anyone know how to calculate labor in to pay-per-piece contract work? does it need to be calculated in at all in determining profit margins for the contract workers?

if you have any idea about what i'm talking about. or if you've successfully complete a fair trade federation producers to retailers application, let me know. i would be eternally grateful and african women will sing songs of praise and love in your honor. (seriously, i'll get it and send you the dvd)

1 comment:

mrs schneider said...

i love reading your blog.
reminds me so much of my time there.
think you could possibly greet the ladies for me? i'd love that (: i think about them often.