Saturday, January 3, 2009

good afternoon...

yay internets.
so life here is filling up. i have nailed down a nice routine. wake up. make coffee. poop. go to town for internet. go to teach the boys at caring place at 10. we have now completed all 5 short vowel sounds and are working on short phrases and sentences. then i come home, make a banana and pineapple and passionfruit smoothie. i read, play cards, fix necklaces, chat. ride the bike or walk to the village and find some ladies to make necklaces or roll beads with. on wednesdays i teach english to the ladies at the suubi building. they are very good students. we translate phrases from luo to english and work on writing. usually i come home around 6 pm. it is cooler then and the bike ride/walk is more enjoyable. i shower, scrub the feet, and find some food. i eat lots of beans and rice and rolexes. then i read, play cards, fix necklaces, chat. watch a movie maybe. take the malarone and go to bed. all in all a pretty nice life.

josh and i are planning a trip to rwanda on monday. we will take a matatu from jinja to kampala in the afternoon so we can reserve a good seat on the bus from kampala to kigali. we will leave kampala at 2am and arrive in kigali at 8am. we will stay at one love hostel. (google it, its sweet) they are a japanese ngo that raises money for disabled people and make prosthetic limbs walking sticks and canes and wheelchairs at no cost for rwandans. we will visit the museums and memorials there. we are watching hotel rwanda and sometimes in april to prepare. i've heard that kigali is a very clean and modern (and expensive by african standards) city. people who have visited say the roads are paved and smooth and the piki drivers have helmets and reflector vests and line up in an orderly fashion. i haven't been out of jinja in a while so we'll see how it goes. we're also attempting to find the local "right to play" chapter. (google them too, they work around the world to organize competitive and non-competitive sports and games for kids with the belief that playing is the best thing for child development)

still working on going north in january. hopefully pader, perhaps gulu or kitgum.

the missionaries are going bungy jumping this evening. it should be fun to watch them fall hundreds of feet toward the nile. and then eat some pizza.

happy new year.


D. Hansow said...

love it! I poop after coffee and breakfast too! So funny. You're an amazing volunteer, thanks for all you're doing, I'm so inspired by you!

D. Hansow said...

oh geeze, that last comment was me, Rachel. Somehow I was signed in under Dave's name, he would kill me for the poop comment, so I had to clear things up!

julie d said...

oh amberle! i miss you and all the fun that come from being around you. thanks for working hard on behalf of the suubi women. you and i both know they're beautiful and deserve it all. keep my man on his toes, you know...entertain him with colorful stories.

read any crazy christian books lately?
there are a lot on the shelf (:

stargazer said...

hmmm only rolling beads?? love the updates and can't wait to see you soon, roll on...Mar :)