Monday, December 15, 2008

3 minute blog

i have blisters on my feet because my shoes don't fit right. but at least i have shoes, right? people who don't have shoes don't get blisters, they get tough soles.

it was very very hot today until the breeze came and we went up the hill and a big, dark cloud was overhead. seven giant raindrops fell and it was cold. the african ladies went inside to get their sweaters. i leaned back and could finally breathe.

i bought more than 1 kg of beans, 1 kg of onions, 1 kg of tomatoes, 1/2 kg of green peppers, and 2 bulbs of garlic for 6,000 shillings, about $3. the lady threw in 3 extra carrots and a scoop of beans because i spent so much. i then bought one pineapple and 20 bananas. I was overcharged, in total 3500 shillings for both, less than $2.

one minute.

i at an an african restaurant for dinner. (thanks friends for the experience) we got 2 cones of grasshoppers for appetizer. when we asked the waiter for chips (french fries) he ran across the street and bought them from another place. we got chicken in broth and sweet potatoes and beans and greens. they were good. we asked for a box for the leftovers. the waitress went across the street and bought a small plastic shopping bag. she held it open while we scraped the rice and chicken and potatoes in. we gave it to some street kids on the way to the van.


Hansow Family said...

Don't you love it? Reminds me when we first got to Africa as "dirt-conscious clean Americans" and asked at a restaurant for a napkin (granted eating out with a 2-year-old isn't clean, but regardless, it was pretty "American"). The waiter disappeared out the door and in a few minutes returned from the local supermarket with a small package of napkins - just to come hand the 3 of us a napkin each! Seriously! Eventually we learned to lick our fingers or use our clothes! Great to hear about your experiences. Thanks for giving your yourself to people, the Suubi ladies, and new things - wow, a whole cone grasshoppers (as opposed to catching and cooking ourselves)! :)

Hansow Family said...

sorry for the typos - i left out a few prepositions!

Rink Rash & Recreation said...

love this one! I miss you and am wondering if you still need shoes?